You must have the pricebook feature enabled on your account. If you would like the feature enabled, contact Stax Bill Support.
- Navigate to Catalog in Stax Bill.
- Click Create Pricebook.
- On the Pricebook Create page, give a name and/or description for the Pricebook.
- On the Default Pricing section, enter a default price. This price will be applied if none of the Pricebook entries below match. You can also configure Tiered, Stairstep, or Volume pricing defaults. You can also set a Pricebook upper price limit by turning on Pricebook upper limit and entering a maximum value.
- On the Pricebook Entries section, click Add Entry.
- On the Pricebook Entry page, enter the Sales Tracking Codes to be used to set a price. Enter the price and/or configure price uplifts.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add prices for other Sales Tracking Codes.
- Click Edit to open the entry, where you can set its priority or make changes. If an entry matches, the pricebook will not continue to match other lower-priority entries.
Once you have set your pricebooks, you can set the catalog plan products to use a pricebook.
- Navigate to Catalog and click Plans.
- Select the plan you wish to use a Pricebook.
- Next, click on the product to open the Product Edit page.
- On the product pricing, select Pricebook. Then select the Pricebook to use.
- Click Save.
Stax Bill will now use the Pricebook and determine the price based on the matching Sales Tracking code.