Filtering options for Subscription Products CSV download
Splitting of Target Order Quantity
Additional Features
- API reference IDs: API reference IDs added to Catalog and Customer Subscriptions in the UI to facilitate identifying which IDs to use in API calls
- Netsuite Invoices: Fusebill version of an invoice is no longer to Netsuite as it is not required, and doing so can result in errors and sync issues.
Exclusion of "cancelled" draft invoices from draft invoices count: When there is a charges are cancelled on a ready draft invoice, those invoices are not included in the draft invoice count on the Customer Dashboard. Cancelled invoices can still be accessed by drilling down and clicking the "Show Cancelled Invoices" button.
- [165.1] Support for Netsuite Kits added: Netsuite Kit items now appear on the Netsuite product mapping page, enabling the sale of Netsuite Kit items via Fusebill
Bug Fixes
Posted Invoice Download: now works (no longer fails) if you are using a payment schedule
Bulk Jobs (Subscription edits): now prevented from overwriting the Standing Order
Subscription Expiry Date in the Admin UI: fixed an issue whereby the incorrect expiry date was being displayed for subscriptions still in provisioning
Netsuite Integration (Invoices): improved groupings of transactions on invoices with a mix of subscription charges and purchase charges
Salesforce opportunities: fixed an issue that was preventing opportunities containing purchases of both tracked and untracked items from being pushed to Fusebill correctly
- Fixed an issue whereby the selected autopost option was being ignored for customers with many subscriptions and purchases when multiple subscriptions were selected from the list and activated
Fixed the logging that is done when reactivating plan frequencies
Edit posted invoices: fixed an issue that prevented the user from saving changes to the notes on a posted invoice if the invoice included taxes