Release 199 is setting the stage for some upcoming features. In it, we have squashed a lot of bugs as Fusebill gets ready to set Revenue Recognition. You may notice some UI changes and phrasing in certain areas that are more in line with the ASC 606 standards. The following are some of the items added to this release.
Feature Highlight
Self Service Portal Improvements
The self-service portal has been improved to include a new login feature on the offerings page. Also added was the ability to add funds to a customer account from the portal.
You can also now modify the CSS directly from the configuration page Appearance tab.
HubSpot Currency and Customized Deals
When creating a deal, you have the ability to select which currency to select from if you have multiple currencies configured.
In addition, you can create different deal states that can be configured in Fusebill to allow the activation of the customer when that status state is set.
Migration to Fusebill Payments is Even Easier
Migrating to Fusebill Payments powered by Stax is even easier thanks to auto fallback gateways. When migrating, you may have customers that have details that are no longer valid and when processed through Fusebill payments it may be refused due to errors on the customer data side. To prevent delays, if a payment fails, it will automatically be retried with your previous gateway. This allows you to still collect payments while the customer updates their information so that you can enjoy better service and rates with Fusebill Payments powered by Stax.
Bug Fixes
General system improvements and efficiencies were improved in this release.
- Threshold billing errors would occur with multiple invoices.
- When using Avalara direct, the system fails to update UI tax information on the Offerings page.
- Selecting plan frequency automatically moves to the next page on the offering page.
- Portal footer located in the middle of the screen on smaller devices.
- The system allows end-users to enter negative values on the offerings page.
- the maximum length on the allowed deal stages field isn't long enough for more than one or two entries.
- Large numbers can't be handled by the system.
- Misalignment of prices on Add Plan Product in the portal.
- Reverse Modal alignment issues with large numbers.