The Net Earned Revenue Dashboard is a "currency" dashboard. Because it represents currency, its data is split up among the different currencies you have configured, and there is no "All" option. (If you do not have multiple currencies configured in your account, these tabs will not appear.) Click on the currency tabs to view the data for each currency you have enabled.
Note: This dashboard is not available to Limited Agents.
The Net Earned Revenue dashboard shows you the current status of your revenue earnings (minus discounts) versus certain times in the past.
- The left graph shows you earnings for today vs. yesterday. If you process a lot of reversals on a given day, the net revenue could be less than zero; in this case, the bar graph will show a negative for the day.
- The middle gauge shows you earnings for this month as a portion of last month. In the example above, you can see that last month we earned ~$19,521 and so far this month we have earned ~$10,912. This is represented by the yellow part of the gauge which shows that we are roughly 56% of the way to earning the same as last month.
- The dotted line on the gauge indicates where we were in earnings as of the same day last month (~$14,903). This might be some cause for concern as it shows that currently, we are behind in earnings compared to the same day last month (the yellow part stops before the dotted line).
- Similarly, the right gauge shows you the earnings for this year as a portion of last year, with the amount growing and the gauge filling as the year progresses.
- If there is no data for a metric (e.g. no data for last year), it will not be shown on the chart. The gauge will always show fully green.
- If there is enough revenue reversal in a month or year to cause the previous period's value to be negative, the gauge will not show (since we cannot display the % complete). You will still see the numeric values in the summary.
Click on the View Details link to go to the Earned Revenue report if you have permissions to do so.
Tip: If your users are more interested in cash-based reporting than revenue-based reporting, you can disable the Net Earned Revenue dashboard for their role by visiting the Permissions section and enabling the Net Collections dashboard (if it is not already enabled).