You can set the email address to be used as the originating email address for all automated email notifications.
You can also restrict the times that emails can be sent. This can be useful if you do not want emails sent at specific times.
Navigate to Settings >Branding >Outgoing Emails.
Click Default Email Addresses and Names.
On the screen that appears, specify the following:
From email: the originating email that will appear in the outgoing message
From display: the name associated with the outgoing email address
Reply to email: the email address that should receive the message if the recipient replies
Reply to display: the name associated with the email address receiving the reply
Bcc to email: The email address(es) that should be copied on the outgoing email message, separated by a comma or semicolon if there is more than one.
- To restrict email sending, turn on the Restrict Email Sending and enter the time range that emails can be sent.
Click Save to commit your changes.