This topic describes configuring Stax Bill for payment processing via the CyberSource payment gateway. The process is the same whether you are performing the setup for credit card or ACH payment processing via CyberSource; however, be careful to select the correct option from the Gateway Configuration screen in Stax Bill.
To complete the setup, you must log in to your CyberSource account to get the Merchant ID and Transaction ID.
The CyberSource ACH gateway requires that the customer's primary email address and phone number are populated and sent to the gateway.
- For more information about CyberSource, visit their website.
To configure your payment gateway:
In Stax Bill, navigate to Settings>Collections>Gateways and click Show Other Supported Gateways.
For credit card transaction processing: Under "Credit Card," click CYBERSOURCE. The Stax Bill configuration pop-up appears with the Configuration Name "CyberSource"
For ACH transaction processing: Under "ACH/EFT," click CYBERSOURCE ACH. The Stax Bill configuration pop-up appears with the Configuration Name "CyberSource ACH"
From your CyberSource account, obtain the Merchant ID and Transaction ID. Refer to the CyberSource documentation for information on how to obtain these values. Copy and paste into the Stax Bill configuration pop-up.
If you want to submit collections as recurring, click Recurring. (The default is Ecommerce.)
If you want to validate the Stax Bill address information against Cybersource address information, click Enforce Address Validation. The CyberSource gateway always requires that address information be sent to the gateway, but not that it be validated. If address validation is disabled in your CyberSource account, it should also be disabled in Stax Bill.
If you are working in a CyberSource test environment, ensure Developer Mode is enabled.
Stax Bill will still interpret all transactions as legitimate, so you need to refund charges made in this mode to maintain proper ledger balances in Stax Bill.
If you have configured CyberSource as your credit card payment gateway, the following sample credit card numbers will work for testing:
American Express: 3782 822463 10005
MasterCard: 5555 5555 5555 4444
VISA: 4111 1111 1111 1111
Additional requirements for testing:
You must use both a first and last name.
You must use CVV number= 123.
You must use an Expiration date in the future.
You must have an email address for the customer.
You must send the address information with the credit card.
Click Save.