This topic describes configuring Stax Bill for payment processing via the Stripe payment gateway. The process is the same whether you are performing the setup for credit card or ACH payment processing via Stripe; however, be careful to select the correct option from the Gateway Configuration screen in Stax Bill.
To complete the setup, log in to your existing Stripe account or create a new one.
For more information about Stripe Connect, visit the Stripe website.
To configure your payment gateway:
In Stax Bill, navigate to Settings >Collections >Gateways and click Show Other Supported Gateways.
For credit card transaction processing: Under "Credit Card," click STRIPE CONNECT.
For ACH transaction processing: Under "ACH/EFT," click STRIPE ACH CONNECT.
A page appears, prompting you to create a Stripe account.
Note: If you are already logged into Stripe, you may see a different screen requesting that you log in as an administrator or ask for confirmation that you wish to allow the connection.
If you already have a Stripe account, click Sign In in the top right corner of the page.
If you don't already have a Stripe account, complete the form and click Authorize access to this account.
Login to your Stripe account using your existing credentials or the credentials for the account you just created.
The Configure Stripe Connect gateway configuration pop-up appears.
Configure vault storage options according to your needs.
If you use Stripe's Payment Intents API, turn on Store Credit Cards with Payment Intents.
If you are working in a Stripe test environment, ensure Developer Mode is selected.
Stax Bill will still interpret all transactions as legitimate, so you need to refund charges made in this mode to maintain proper ledger balances in Stax Bill.
The sample credit card numbers provided by Stax Bill may work with your gateway in Developer Mode; however, Stax Bill recommends contacting your payment processor to obtain the test numbers they recommend.
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