To access the Stax Bill sign-in page, navigate to https://admin.staxbill.com.
Enter the following information:
The Username provided by your Administrator (for example, your work email address).
The Password you set on the Set Password screen (at least eight characters, including at least one numeric character and at least one special character)
If you want your browser to remember your credentials, select Remember me.
Click Sign In to sign into Stax Bill.
The first time you log into Stax Bill, you are prompted to create three challenge questions. These questions verify your identity if you have forgotten your password.
You must select three different questions and provide answers for each. You can change your questions and answers later through your user profile.
Choose one question from each of the three dropdown lists. Choosing questions to which you will always have consistent answers is important.
Enter an answer for each question.
Click Apply Challenge Questions.
Once you have successfully signed in, you will see your dashboard and the Stax Bill main menu. The appearance varies depending on your Stax Bill Role (Agent, Administrator, IT Administrator, and so on).