If there are any issues with Avalara, you can troubleshoot using the following suggestions:
Verify that Avalara is enabled and configured correctly
- In Stax Bill, from the left menu, click Settings >Financial >Taxes.
- When Avalara is configured, a green bar is displayed on the Configuration page:
Missing entries from Stax Bill to Avalara for unconfigured nexuses
Stax Bill can skip jurisdictions that it doesn't need to care about. This is enabled when users click Refresh Tax Nexuses on the configuration page.
To remove them and disable this option, click Delete Tax Nexuses.
Note: if you cannot use or find that button, please contact Stax Bill staff for assistance.
Trouble with billing or finding taxes
- Check the Avalara logs in Stax Bill under Settings >Financial >Taxes and click the Logs tab.
- If rows are marked "Failed" in red, hover over the ! icon to view additional details.
Some common issues for errors include:
- An invalid address.
- The address in Avalara needs to match addresses found by the postal service.
Correcting the customer's address will force Stax Bill to re- reference Avalara and reconfirm the address. If successful, this will unblock the customer and billing will resume.
Note: A report showing any customers flagged as having invalid addresses can be acquired by reaching out to support@staxbill.com