Once you have obtained your Avalara client account credentials from Avalara and activated the advanced taxes module, you can configure the integration within Stax Bill.
- In Stax Bill, on the left menu, click Settings >Financials >Taxes.
- On the Taxes page, click Enabled to enable Avalara taxation in your Stax Bill account. All tax-eligible purchases will now be processed by Avalara.
- Your Avalara Account Number, License Key, and (optional) Organization Code. The data for these fields should be obtained from your Avalara representative.
- Development Mode = On or Off - controls whether you want to record actual taxation transactions in your Avalara account or not. If you are testing in a Stax Bill sandbox before go-live, leave Dev Mode to "On". Once you are ready to start recording real tax transactions in your production Stax Bill account, move this button to "Off".
- Customer Address Used - choose whether to use the customer's billing address OR shipping address as the address passed to Avalara for validation on each tax call.
- Commit Taxes - choose whether to have Stax Bill commit the tax ledger entries to Avalara whenever an invoice is posted. The default setting is Yes. You may want to disable the commit if you are using another system that also tracks Avalara tax calculations for you.
- Define Organization Address - this address is the one to be used as the originating address for your company in order to determine taxes.
- Click Update.
Note: If you choose to use a Customer's shipping address and the customer doesn't have one (and is not set to "use the same address for billing and shipping"), the customer's tax call will fail and taxes will not be charged.