To access the Invoice Settings page, go to Settings >Financial >Invoices.
The numbered boxes and buttons are available to be configured on the invoice. Click to make updates and set new values. More details can be found below.
To configure the Next Invoice number, click Invoice Number and enter the invoice number in the "Next Invoice Number" field; then click Apply.
Include Watermark on Draft Invoice: This makes a watermark appear on a draft invoice to indicate that it is not a final invoice.
Include Watermark on Projected Invoice: This is used to make a watermark appear on a projected invoice to indicate that it is not a final invoice.
Example of what it would look like when one or both of these fields are toggled ON:
This setting changes the title of invoices in the posted, projected and draft state. Click Apply if the values of any of the fields are changed.
To modify the invoice signature, use the included HTML Editor to add, modify or delete the default information. The default merge fields capture the data entered under the Contact section. With the simple HTML Editor, images, hyperlinks, and bulleted lists can be added, and the fonts can be changed. Click Apply after making any changes.
There are two invoice views:
- Standard: The Standard layout is suitable for most types of invoicing using online methods.
Envelope: The Envelope layout is set up to ensure that the address information fits into the windows of a standard size 10 double-window envelope. (For a single-window envelope, the destination address should be visible within the single window).
Here are the recommended envelope specifications:• #9, 3-7/8" x 8-7/8"
• Top Window Size: 1-1/4" x 3-1/2"
• Top Window Placement: 5/8" left, 2-1/4" bottom
• Bottom Window Size: 1" x 4"
• Bottom Window Placement: 5/8" left, 5/8" bottomThis layout is organized so that the customer's name and address are shown in the destination window at the bottom, and the company information shows in the origin/return address window at the top. This layout is used if the intent is to print the invoices manually to mail them to customers.
The grey boxes on the layout show the visible portion of the invoice; that is, what will show in the windows.
5) CUSTOMER Stax Bill ID
This option controls which unique ID (if any) to include on the invoice. Options are Customer Id, Stax Bill Id, and none. Click on Apply if any changes have been made.
Use of Customer or Stax Bill ID option:
Use of option "None":
For the Shipping Address to appear on invoices, toggle ON for the "Show shipping address" Field and click Apply.
It will then include the Shipping Address details on invoices.
The summary section of the invoice can be customized to show/hide fields. The overview box holds the fields that show up in the summary section. The field visibility can be turned On or Off here. If all fields are turned off in the overview box, the summary section will not appear on any invoice.
The fields available are as follows:
- Opening Balance: This is the balance owing (or on deposit) when this invoice was posted. It does NOT include any charges that are on the current invoice.
- Closing Balance: The Opening Balance plus the charges on this invoice.
- Invoice Number: The incremental number defined by the system (using the starting number set).
- Invoice Amount: The total amount of charges on this invoice.
- Posted Date: The date this invoice was posted. This field will always be blank on a Draft invoice.
- Due Date: The date the payment for this invoice is due. If the customer is on Net 0 terms, this date will be the same as the posted date; otherwise, it will be the date the customer's term becomes due.
- Terms: The number of days until the invoice is due.
- Status: Whether the invoice is Due, Overdue, etc., based on the amount owing and the net terms.
The Opening and Closing Balance fields are never included on a Projected Invoice, even if configured here.
Header Label: The header labels in the invoices can be customized to better align with the company's brand.
Purchase Label: For products configured to be purchased outside of a Plan, this option allows you to change what the label on the Purchases section of the invoice will be.
Sample of how it will appear on the invoice:
Show Tracked Quantities On Invoices: The tracked item field display can be turned On or Off. There are more options when this is turned On:
- Choose whether to display the tracked items Inline or on a Separate Page.
- Inline will show each set of tracked items below its corresponding charge item. This is usually the best option for customers with only a few tracked items per product (e.g. less than 20).
- Separate Page will show all tracked items on a separate page (or pages) from the main invoice. They are summarized by product/charge items. This is a better option for customers with many tracked items per product.
- A user can also choose and customize the label of which tracked items fields to show in the summary.
- Override Tracked Item Page - this label will show at the top of the separate page.
- Override Main Invoice Message - This text will show at the bottom of the main invoice to indicate that the tracked items are on a separate page.
Notes Label: Customize the title for the notes section.
Invoice Note: The Invoice Note section allows users to enter the text that will appear by default on all invoices generated across an account. Use markup and merge fields to enhance further and customize your invoice.
Projected Invoice Notes: These only appear on a Projected Invoice and can differ from those on a posted invoice.
Roll Up Taxes: This option allows users to have all taxes rolled up into a single line item on the Invoice or show each Tax line individually.
Sample of Taxes where Roll up taxes are turned On.
Sample of Taxes where Roll up taxes are turned Off.
Roll Up Discounts: This option allows a user to have all of the discounts for all products and plans on the invoice to be rolled up into a single line item at the bottom. The default is Off, showing each discount in-line with the corresponding product. The rolled-up discount amount is always shown as a dollar amount, even if the underlying discounts were based on percentages.
Sample of Discounts where Roll up Discounts is turned OFF (body of invoice)
Sample of Discounts where Roll up Discounts is turned ON (bottom of invoice)
Summary Labels: The summary label can be customized to align with the company's brand.
Payment Schedule Labels: These labels appear on invoices with custom payment schedules.
Note: Click the Apply button on any box where changes have been made and save the changes.