Statements can be generated manually from the Stax Bill UI, Self Service Portal (SSP) or via our API or automated by configuring the Billing Setting options at the Account level. A new Statement Email Notification (described below) can be configured to automatically send the generated Statements to your customers.
Note: When turning on the Statement feature at the Account level, be aware that the system will generate a statement for all customers for the current billing period. If you have enabled the Statement Notification email, all generated statements will be sent to your customers. If you do not want your customers to receive these initially generated statements, disable the Statement Notification email until all are generated.
To Configure Statements:
- Go to Settings > Statements. This will open the configuration screen.
- To turn on Automated Statements, toggle the Statement Sending Schedule button to ON.
- Choose a style:
By Transaction
- Discounts and taxes are grouped with their charges.
- Transactions are sorted chronologically and organized into debit and credit columns.
- Transactions that cause balance owing appear first on the same date, followed by items that decrease. For e.g. an automated payment will come after the charges.
By Subscription
- Charges are organized by Subscription and then by the Invoice on which they were billed.
- Discounts and taxes are grouped with their charges.
- Transactions are sorted chronologically.
- By Invoice- Similar to the by-subscription layout, the invoice layout organizes the statement by invoice with a summarized view of the subscriptions without the line-by-line detail of the by-subscription layout.
By Transaction
Summarized - Only totals are shown; they are grouped into four groups: Charges, Purchases, Discounts, and Payments.
Summarized - Only totals are shown; they are grouped into four groups: Charges, Purchases, Discounts, and Payments.
- If you use Tracked Items on products, choose to display them in your statements. If enabled, you can also choose:
- whether to include the tracked item information inline within the Statement or show them on a separate page; and
- which tracked item fields should be displayed on the invoice.
Note: The setting for Tracked Item fields applies to all Products with Tracked Items. You cannot choose the fields per product.
- Choose the frequency on which to generate the statements. You can choose Monthly or Yearly (multiples of months or years is not currently available, e.g. every 3 months).
- On Customer, Anniversary is the day the customer activated - most likely used if customers configured with Floating Bill Date
- On a Specific Date - Most likely used if all customers have a fixed billing date (ex. 1st of Month)
- Click Update to save your changes.
To view sample statements, see Working with Statements.
Email Notifications for Statements
If you want your customers to receive these Statements automatically, ensure that you enable the Statement Notification. This can be configured at the Account level, via Settings > Emails > Statement Notifications or at the Customer level if you only want certain customers to receive them monthly.
For more info on how to setup your Email Notifications, go to Configuring Email Notifications.