This topic describes configuring Stax Bill for processing credit card payments via the Chase Paymentech gateway. If you wish to configure ACH payment processing, see Set Up the Chase Paymentech ACH Gateway.
We currently support Chase Orbital Stratus, Chase Orbital Salem, and Chase Orbital Tampa platforms. To determine the Chase platform you are using, please consult the merchant information provided by Chase.
Paymentech supports both CCV/CVV and Address Verification.
If you are using Chase Orbital Tampa, please contact Stax Bill Support before completing this setup, as additional steps may be required.
For more information about Chase Merchant Services, visit their website.
To configure your payment gateway:
Contact your Chase representative to request or confirm that the Submitter ID: 380356 has been linked to your Chase Merchant ID. You will also want to contact the Chase Orbital tech support line: (800) 254-9556 and ask them to whitelist the following IP addresses:
BIN 000001 = Orbital Salem/Stratus
BIN 000002 = Orbital Tampa
Terminal: 001
In Stax Bill, navigate to Settings>Collections>Gateways and click Show Other Supported Gateways.
Under Credit Card, click CHASE PAYMENTECH.
The Stax Bill configuration pop-up appears.
Enter your Merchant ID. This can be found in the merchant information provided by Chase or copied from the Paymentech Orbital Virtual Terminal.
From the Chase Certification dropdown list, select:
Use Stax Bill to use Stax Bill's pre-certification with Chase. This is the quickest and simplest option.
Use my credentials if you have already been certified with Chase and wish to use your credentials. Additional fields will appear for you to enter your Chase username and password.
From the Bin dropdown list, select:
BIN 000001 if you are configuring a Chase Orbital Salem or Chase Orbital Stratus payment gateway
BIN 000002 if you are configuring a Chase Orbital Tampa payment gateway (Contact Stax Bill Support before configuring this gateway)
In the Stax Bill configuration pop-up, configure vault storage options according to your needs.
To use the credit card number from the Stax Bill Vault at the time of payment:
Store Credit Cards in Stax Bill Vault: On
Store Credit Cards in Chase Vault: Off
To use the credit card number from the Chase Vault at the time of payment and store a copy of it in the Stax Bill Vault:
Store Credit Cards in Stax Bill Vault: On
Store Credit Cards in Chase Vault: On
To use the credit card number from the Chase Vault at the time of payment and NOT keep a copy in the Stax Bill Vault:
Store Credit Cards in Stax Bill Vault: Off
Store Credit Cards in Chase Vault: On
Note that:
At least one Vault option must be set to On.
The Chase Vault allows you to leverage the auto-updater feature, which automatically updates credit card numbers based on information provided by the credit card issuer. If you have this turned on, the copies in the Stax Bill Vault maybe become outdated as auto-updater only works on the Chase Paymentech side.
If you are working in a Paymentech test environment, ensure Developer Mode is selected.
The system will still interpret all transactions as legitimate, so you must refund charges made in this mode to maintain proper ledger balances in Stax Bill.
The sample credit card numbers provided by Stax Bill may work with your gateway in Developer Mode; however, it is recommended to contact your payment processor to obtain the test numbers they recommend.
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