You can use sales tracking codes to display different business logos on invoices. This is helpful if you have multiple divisions, resellers, or regional branding.
To set up the use of sales tracking codes to be used to display different branding and logos on invoices, complete the following:
Image Library
- Upload logo images to a publicly hosted Image sharing site.
Note: The site must be an HTTPS domain. An HTTP domain will not work.
Set Up a Sales Tracking Code
- Navigate to sales tracking code from Setting > Customizations > Sales Tracking Codes.
- Create a sales tracking code with an identifiable name, such as “Brands” or "Reseller."
- Create sales tracking codes for each brand logo.
- In the sales tracking code description, add the logo image URL.
- Click Save.
Set Sales Tracking Codes
Set sales tracking codes for each customer in the Customer Account Overview.
- Navigate to a customer. On the customer tab, click Tracking and select the appropriate sales tracking code created in the previous steps.
- Click Save.
Invoice Template
To utilize the sales tracking code to provide a branding logo, you will need to adjust the invoice template.
- Navigate to Settings > Branding > Outgoing Emails.
- On the outgoing email page, select the posted invoice email or any email that you wish to modify, and remove the invoice logo (%account.logo%). Note: If removing the account default logo, then all customers should have a tracking code set to ensure a logo is displayed. Otherwise, no logo will be displayed in the email message. Note: the invoice will continue to display the business signature account logo unless removed.
- Add the %Customer.Reference.SalesTrackingCode5.Description% where SalesTrackingCode5 is the sales code that is used. You can reference it as Code1 through Code5 or by the renamed value, which in this case is Brands.