It's a release with much to unpack, so let's get right to it! Here are just a few of the highlights of the September 10, 2024 [1.259] release.
Logos to Sales Tracking Codes (STC)
You can now add an image to a Sales Tracking Code. This is helpful because it provides an image related to an STC. The email template can be used to include specific STC images on an invoice.
HubSpot URL
You can now include HubSpot data in the Stax Bill Self-Service portal link. This allows you to provide details to the portal so potential customers no longer need to manually fill out data, promoting a higher success rate. In addition, by sending the HubSpot ID, new customers in the portal and in Stax Bill will be automatically linked to their HubSpot account, reducing manual work and duplications.
Display Email Details of a Customer
You can now set to show customers' email addresses when viewing their information on the Customer grid or anywhere else.
Removed Unit Price from Invoice Statements
With the release of the new invoice statements from a previous release, we have removed the unit price from the statement to provide a clear and efficient view.
The PO number has been added to the Invoice Detailed Export
The Purchase order details will be added to the file when exporting the invoice report.
- Bug 58195: AR Balance Report handles debits more efficiently.
- Bug 59608: Coupons not showing on the projected invoice for scheduled migrations.
- Bug 59821: Billing Statement By Invoice cannot handle when a reversal is present for an invoice posted outside the period.
- Bug 59844: HubSpot error previewing draft taxes in the iframes when using Tax by Sales Tracking Code and creating a customer with a subscription.
- Bug 59914: File Naming for Financial Calendar Exports may not be unique, causing overwrite by subsequent exports.