The posted invoices grid provides a quick and easy way to search for and view your posted invoices. You can filter and sort subscriptions according to your specific needs.

Invoices can be filtered by:
Account (Stax Bill ID or the customer reference assigned by you)
Invoice Number
Invoice Status (Pending, Due, Overdue, Paid, Written Off, Disputed, Void)
Posted Date (within the last month, within the last two months, or a range of dates)
Due Date (within the last month, within the last two months, within the next month, within the next two months, or a range of dates)
Parent ID (Users of the Hierarchy feature only)
- PO Number
More than one filter can be applied to the same search. Each filter further refines search results using "AND" logic. Invoices must match ALL search criteria to appear in the grid.
Once you are satisfied with your search, you can sort your results by several different criteria in either ascending or descending order: