The message immediately following "Reason for Failure: " is provides the reason for the error.
Some examples are:
- Insufficient Funds: The payment method does not have enough funding to make the purchase. Reach out to the Card holder to provide a new card number or confirm they have sufficient funds and reprocess.
- Declined: An issue with the card. Reach out to the card holder to provide a new card number.
- AVS Error: Confirm the card holder address is correct and matches what the card issuing complany has on file. Retry with the new information.
- The refund amount attempted is more than the amount remaining of the same payment: Refund exceeds the payment. Double check the values and make corrections.
- "Exceeds daily limit" or similar language indicates it is more than your gateway allows: Retry the payment at a later date.
- Refund for a payment that is over 60 days old and the gateway has rules in place: Contact the gateway or card holder for alternatives to provide a refund.