When an invoice is posted, it is created in NetSuite.
The invoice information sent depends on what is mapped in Stax Bill.
Items are mapped from Stax Bill to NetSuite in the Product Mapping section. In addition, discounts are also mapped in the Product Mapping.
When the invoice is posted, the line items will be automatically sent and mapped to NetSuite based on the Product Mapping setup. If an item is unmapped, a default line item will be used. The default line items are set up in the Entity Mapping section.
The invoice number is generated in Stax Bill and sent to NetSuite when the invoice is posted.
Serialized inventory
Stax Bill supports NetSuite's serialized module. To use this module, you must use tracked items in Stax Bill to specify the uniquely serialized numbered items. When done so, NetSuite will automatically remove serialized items from inventory as invoices are posted in Stax Bill and sent to NetSuite.
Revenue Recognition
Revenue Recognition information is sent to NetSuite when an invoice is posted. Stax Bill sends the revenue recognition start and end dates to NetSuite.
NetSuite will populate the RevRecStart and RevRecEnd with those dates.
Note: To use this feature, you must purchase the NetSuite Revenue Recognition Module. Within Stax Bill, Revenue Recognition is included. For more information, see Revenue Recognition.