The Customers page contains the Customer List, which provides details about all your customers, including Stax Bill ID, Customer ID, Company, Name, Balance, MRR, Payment Method, Terms, Currency, Next Billing Date, Status, Accounting Status, and Actions. There is a Search and Advanced Search option to help locate specific customers.
- The data is organized into tabs according to Customer Status: Current (which includes all Active, On Hold, and Suspended customers), New, Cancelled, and All. Each tab shows the count of customers in parentheses after the label.
- You can click on the Stax Bill ID to the left, the Details button on the right, or double-click anywhere on a single row to drill down into a specific customer.
- Information at the bottom of the grid provides details about the total number of customers, some navigational controls to get to other pages, and the ability to increase the number of customers displayed via the Grid.
You can export your Customer list using the Export All CSV button on the right. When you click the button, the system will submit a background process that will deliver the results of your report when it has been completed. You can access the report from the Notifications page at the top of the screen once it is ready. The system also automatically sends an email to the user who submitted the request once the report is ready for download.
Note: All "customer details" are always included in this file, and it always includes the full customer list (i.e. it does not filter according to the search criteria you may have entered into the screen). You can filter and sort the report as needed in any software package, such as Microsoft Excel.
Note: If you are using Stax Bill's Hierarchy feature, the grid will include a "Parent ID" column which can be used to sort and filter for a specific parent. This field will not be displayed if you are not a Hierarchy customer.
Using the Search Functions
Three types of search functions are available at the top of the customer grid.
Note: The customer count in each tab will be updated based on the results of the searches or filters applied.
- Quick Search is the set of fields at the top of the screen. These fields allow you to choose a specific (single) field to search on and then enter some text.
- Advanced Search opens up a larger set of fields to search and allows you to combine searches across these fields. Click the Clear button to clear all search fields; click Search to execute the search.
Tracked Item Search is a special type of customer search that allows you to search for the text of a specific tracked item within the customer grid. For example, if you use tracked items to record serial numbers, you can search a serial number and find out which customer has that serial number. Partial matches are supported.
Note: You must choose a single Product for which to search for the tracked item, though the search will include all instances of that product across all plans in the system.
Customer List Glossary
Field | Descriptions |
Stax Bill ID |
Customer ID |
Company |
Name |
Balance |
Payment Method |
Terms |
Currency |
Next Billing Date |
Status |
Accounting Status |