Access to your configured Self-Service Portal requires a unique URL linked to your Stax Bill account. For customers to access the Self Service Portal, they require a unique Username and Password to login into the site.
With the release of the Customer Self Service Portal, two additional email types were created:
- Customer Credential Create, which includes a link to allow your customers the ability to set up their own Username and Password
- Customer Credential Password Reset, which allows a customer to reset their password.
Note: Both email notifications utilize the email address stored in the Primary Email Address field under the Customer. If using the "Create Credential" or "Forgot Password" prompt, the Password Reset email will be sent to the email in this field. If there are multiple addresses in this field, all will receive the notifications.
Setting up customers to access the Customer Self-Service Portal varies depending on whether the customer is new or existing. While both methods use the same Email Notifications, getting the email to the customer differs.
New Customers
Under Settings, Email Notifications enable the Customer Credential Create email and the Customer Credential Password email. This will automatically send the Customer Credential Create an email to any new customers set up on Stax Bill.
The Customer Credential Create email includes a Billing Portal Setup Link that, once clicked on by your customer, takes them to a Login page, where they can enter their Username and Password. As the Username needs to be unique, the system will prompt them if the one they chose is already in use.
Existing Customers
The process for existing customers differs from the new customer process. As the customer already exists on the system, you will need to push the Customer Credential Create email to them.
To determine if a customer is already configured on the system, you will need to see if their Self Service Portal User name field is populated.
- Open a customer, and you will be on the Customer Dashboard
- Click on PORTAL in the panel.
- Do one of the following:
- If the Username field is populated and the customer has set up their portal access, your only option will be to Send Reset Password Email.
- You may also update a customer's Username from this screen. Enter the new Username in the username field and click Update.
You may also delete the current Username by clicking on Delete. This will change the Send Reset Password Email option to Send Create Credentials Email and allow the user to set up a new Username and Password. This is commonly used when the billing contact changes and a new person takes over that responsibility.
- If the field is populated, but the customer has not yet set up their portal access, your only option will be to click on Send Create Credentials Email.
If the name is populated, but the password has not been set, you can clear the information or enter another Username and click Update.
- If the field is empty, your only option will be to click on Send Create Credential Email.
You can create the Username yourself, but you will need to provide this information to your customer. To do this, enter the Username you want for that customer and click Update.
- The credential create link that is provided is a one-time click-only link. Once it has been clicked, it will no longer work (i.e. if the customer clicks on it, decides to come back later, or clicks on the link again tomorrow, it will just bring them to the main login page, not the credential create page).