Charge reversals are completed using the Reverse button on posted invoices. You can provide customers full or partial credits for each subscription or product. Once a reversal is completed, you can refund the credit or leave a credit on the customer's account to be applied to future purchases.
Reversing a charge does not automatically refund the customer's credit card or bank account. If you want to refund the charge and not keep it as a credit on the customer's account, see How Do I Do A Refund? for instructions.
To Reverse a Charge:
Navigate to the Customer dashboard for the correct customer, and in the Invoices section, click Current. In the list that appears, click Details.
Note: Alternatively, you can also open the invoice by navigating to Invoices>Posted Invoices and searching by the invoice number.
Locate the line item on the invoice you want to provide a credit, then click Reverse
Note: If you wish to reverse all charges on the invoice, use the Reverse All Charges button at the bottom of the page.
In the Reverse Charge dialog that appears, you have four options:
Reverse the full charge
Reverse unearned amount
Reverse a specific amount
Reverse a specific net amount
When you reverse a specific amount, for example, $50, the original charge, before any taxes and discounts, is reduced by this amount. The preview box shows the new charge (previous charge minus the reversed amount), the recalculated taxes, and the new net charge.
When you reverse a specific net amount, for example, $50, the net invoice total is reduced by this amount. The adjusted charge, taxes and discount appear in the preview box.
Once satisfied with the After Reversal preview box amounts, click Reverse. The reversed amount is reflected in the Balance and Available Funds.
The invoice is updated to include a new field in the totals section called Credit notes.
You can leave the credit in Available Funds for a future purchase or refund the money to the customer.
You will see a Reverse All Charges button at the bottom if there is more than one non-zero line item on your invoice. Clicking this button automatically reverses all of the non-zero charges. You will be given a choice to reverse all charges fully or only unearned charges. Using this button is the same as reversing each item on the invoice individually.
You can enter a reference string to apply to all the reversals.
As with the individual line item reversals, Reverse All Charges does not automatically refund the amount(s) to the customer's credit card or bank account.