The simplest way to search by subscription is using the subscriptions grid.
To search for one or more subscriptions:
From the Stax Bill main menu, open the Subscriptions page.
In the Search area, select a filter from the dropdown list.
Depending on what you selected in step 2, the box on the right will either be a text box or a dropdown list. Type or select the value you wish to search for.
Note: For text searches, try typing a partial word or phrase, for example, “ABC Quarterly” or “ABC” instead of “ABC Quarterly Plan.” Partial searches are not supported for Stax Bill ID or Subscription ID.
To apply additional filters, click Add Filter, select a filter from the dropdown list, and specify a value. Repeat for up to five filters.
Click Search.
Only the Subscriptions that match your criteria appear in the grid.
To sort the search results:
Select your sort criteria:
Specify Ascending or Descending.
Click Sort.
The records in the subscriptions grid are sorted by the criteria you selected in the order you specified.
The resulting list may be several pages long. The number of pages is displayed at the bottom of the right pane. Use Skip to page to jump to a specific page and Page size to specify the number of subscription records per page (10, 25, 50 or 100).
Additional information about each record can be accessed by clicking
The Stax Bill ID to view customer details.
The Subscription ID to view subscription details.
The Edit to edit the subscription.