The Sales Summary report allows a global view of sales activity across your account over a specified period of time. Sales totals can be displayed at different granularities including; daily, monthly, quarterly or annually. You can use the Sales summary report to track your sales processing and monitor trends in your average sales.
What a Sale is in Stax Bill
Stax Bill records sales whenever invoices are posted on your customers. An invoice is considered an individual sale regardless of the number or charges on the invoice. Taxation amounts are never included in sales figures and are tracked separately via the Stax Bill Tax ledger.
Selecting your Time range
The Sales summary report can accept a From and To time range to return specific sales activity. All submitted dates are interpreted in your account time zone.
From: Starts at 00:00:00 for the specified day. If you set this date further into the past than your Stax Bill account creation date then sales of $0 will be returned for all days before your account start-up.
To: Include 23:59:59 for the specified day. Sales summary data is only available up to 1 day prior to the current day.
Selecting your Currency
The sales summary report must be run for individual currencies available under your account. The system will use your default currency unless instructed otherwise.
Including Charge Reversals
If desired, charge reversals can be included in the net sales calculations. If tracking trends in average sales it can be beneficial to omit Reversals.
Totals for Period Selected
The Sales Summary report will display a global sales result for the entire period specified. These totals can be used to establish a scale for the interval result sets returned in the main sale summary graph. The average sale amount for the full period will be displayed for both Gross and Net sales in the summary.
Displaying different Intervals
Once the sales summary report is run you have the flexibility to manipulate the interval used to return the date.
By default, if the time range requested for the Sales summary report spans less than 1 month the data will default to Daily granularity. If the time range requested exceeds 1 month then the data will default to Monthly Granularity.
Note that the granularity selected for the sales summary data will be reflected in the graph, the data grid and the CSV export available from the report.
Gross vs Net Sales
The Sales Summary report allows for the flexibility of displaying Gross Sales vs Net Sales. Gross sales represent the full value of charges on invoices. Net Sales consider the discount applied to these charges to provide a more accurate value to the sales reports. Net Sales will also have any Charge reversals reflected if these transactions are not excluded from the report.
Excluding Reversals
The Sales summary report provides the option of excluding sales reversals in its results. This is available because charge reversals can often be associated with Sales that were posted in previous time periods.
Selecting your Display options
Displaying by Interval – when this display mode is selected then, individual sales figures for each interval are graphed separately.
Displaying Cumulative – when this display mode is selected then each interval is added to previous totals over the course of the full time range requested.
Displaying Averages – when selected this display mode will show the average Gross or net sale amount of sales posted for each interval. Trending Average Sales can be a powerful way to measure the result of different sales and marketing initiatives over a time period.
Downloading CSV
If you would like to do further analysis on the sales summary data you can choose to export the sales summary information in CSV format. The CSV data will be provided according to the interval you have selected at the time that you initiate a data export.
Serge Frigon