Note: This report is not available to Limited Agents.
The Collections Report shows you the amount of money collected daily and monthly for a specified period.
By default, the "Up to" field shows today's date, and the graphs below show the current month and the last 12 months, respectively. When you change the date, the graphs will be recalculated to show the selected month and the 12 months before that.
The Net Collections by Day report shows how much money is collected monthly. If you bill only on one day each month, then this graph will have only one bar on that billing day. The average (red line) shows the average amount of money collected daily.
- Clicking on a bar will take you to the Financial Calendar report for that day, focused on the Payments tab. This will show you the individual transactions that made up that number on that day.
- If you have multiple currencies configured, you can use the currency tabs at the top of the screen to see the reports for each currency.
The Net Collections by Month report shows how much money was collected in the 12 months before the month of the selected date. If there are less than 12 months, the graph will only show the available months.
- Clicking on a bar will take you to the Financial Calendar report for that month. From there, you can drill down into specific days.
- If you have multiple currencies configured, you can use the currency tabs at the top of the screen to see the reports for each currency.
Note: As the name implies, all values in these graphs are Net amounts collected; i.e. any refunds would count as negative amounts towards the total.