The Projected Daily Report view is available by drilling down into any future day box on the Calendar report.
- There is currently only one tab on this report containing the Projected Invoices for that day.
- Clicking Details on any line item will take you directly to the detailed page for that line item within the Customer's account. You can use your browser back button to return to your place in the Calendar or use the "Open in New Tab/Window" options in your browser when clicking Details so that you don't lose your place in the Daily Report.
Projected Invoices for more than one billing period in the future does not have a Details button. These totals are only stored in Stax Bill at a summary level; the actual detailed invoice is not generated.
- There is a CSV Download button with an option to include Full Customer Details in the CSV download.
- You can view another currency's transactions by using the dropdown at the top of the screen.