You can send additional parameters using the URL of the offering. This can be used to send sales tracking or customer information that can be used to prepopulate fields for the customer or fill in hidden fields for reporting information.
To pass parameters, the URL must use proper URL encoding for special characters (%20 for spaces, %2E for periods.)
To pass parameters, use your offerings URL followed by:
So if your URL was, and you wanted to set the first name to Bart and last name to Simpson, with a company name of Acme Inc. you would use the following URL:;lname:Simpson;cname:ACME%20Inc%2E
The following is a list of parameters that can be based along in the URL:
Parameter Name | Associated Field in the Offering |
fname |
First Name |
mname |
Middle Name |
lname |
Last Name |
sfx |
Suffix |
Primary Email |
phone |
Primary Phone |
altemail |
Secondary Email |
alphone |
Secondary Phone |
title |
Title |
ref |
Reference (CustomerID) |
cname |
Company Name |
bcName |
Billing Company Name |
bli1 |
Billing Line 1 |
bli2 |
Billing Line 2 |
bcountryId |
Billing Country Id |
bstateId |
Billing State Id |
bcity |
Billing City |
bzip |
Billing Postal Zip |
scName |
Shipping Company Name |
sli1 |
Shipping Line 1 |
sli2 |
Shipping Line 2 |
scountryId |
Shipping Country Id |
sstateId |
Shipping State Id |
scity |
Shipping City |
szip |
Shipping Postal Zip |
ad |
Ad Content |
cpgn |
Campaign |
kw |
Keyword |
lp |
Landing Page |
med |
Medium |
src |
Source |
ref1 |
Reference1 |
ref2 |
Reference2 |
ref3 |
Reference3 |
st1 |
Sales Tracking Code 1 |
st2 |
Sales Tracking Code 2 |
st3 |
Sales Tracking Code 3 |
st4 |
Sales Tracking Code 4 |
st5 |
Sales Tracking Code 5 |
couponCode |
Coupon Code |
HSContactID |
HubSpot Contact ID |
HSCompanyID |
HubSpot Company ID |