You can configure and customize your offering page to your products, clients, or internal needs.
Using the appearance section, you can customize the look of the offering pages. You can also customize what is displayed and how the process works by completing the following:
To configure and customize the Offer pages:
- In Stax Bill, navigate to Portals.
- On the Portals page, click the hosted page.
- On the Hosted page, under Offerings, click Configure.
- Under the Registration Offerings section, click the offering to be configured.
- On the Edit Offering page, you can change the Title and Key. The key is the subdomain that will be used for the offerings portal. The Title is the name that will be used to refer to the offerings page in Stax Bill. You can display the page title alongside the logo on the Offering page. You can also set the currency the customer will be created in. Warning: If the offering page is live, you should not change the key as this will change the location of the offering page and will break any existing connections or bookmarks that existing users have.
- You can select to show the Navigation steps across the top of the page and an order summary on the right side. Click Configure for the Navigation Steps to modify the names of each step. See Configure the Order Summary Page for more details on the summary page configuration.
- If the customer exists, you can allow the customer to log in so that their information will be pre-populated using the Login Configuration setting.
Offering Steps
You can configure the steps required for the customer to see on the offering page.
See the following for details on configuration options for each: