The bulk customer email allows you to send emails to your customer base to provide self-service portal credentials or to communicate information pertinent to the customer or business.
The bulk email will send the customer the login link, where they can create a username or password to access the portal. You can send a maximum of 5000 emails.
- Navigate to the Create New Import page, select Customer, then Send Customer Credential Create Emails, and click Next.
- You can download the starting data file, which will contain all customers. Using the data file, you can select customers without SSP credentials. Just so you know, the customer must have a valid email address and be active, on hold, or suspended.
- Upload a file and click through the validation and processing steps. Correct any errors that you encounter.
The following is the structure of the data file. To send the bulk email, only the Stax Bill ID is required, but to send the Stax Bill ID must have an associated email address, and the status must be in Active, Hold, or Suspended.
Name | Variable | Mandatory |
Customer Stax Bill | | Yes |
Customer Reference | Customer.Reference0 | No |
Customer First Name | Customer.Firstname | No |
Customer Last Name | Customer.Lastname | No |
Customer Company Name | Customer.Companyname | No |
Customer Email | Customer.PrimaryEmail | No |
Customer SSP User Name | Customer.Portalusername | No |
Customer Created Date | Customer.CreatedDate | No |
Customer Status | Customer.Status | No |
The bulk email will use the Customer Credential Create Email template. See Configuring Email Notifications for additional information.