On occasion, you may wish to temporarily suspend sending posted invoices to a subset of your customers without permanently changing the account or customer-level settings. This can be accomplished through a bulk editing job.
Bulk Import must be enabled for your account. If you do not have the option to Create an Import, please contact Stax Bill.
See Bulk Customer Edit for more information about bulk customer edits.
In Stax Bill, navigate to Jobs>Imports and click Create Import.
The Bulk Imports pop-up appears.
Under Import Type, select Customer, Import Action, and select Edit.
Click Next.
The Customer screen appears.
In the list on the right, select Include customer identification information and Include email preferences, then click Export starting data file.
The Export Customers screen appears.
Use the filter settings to specify the subset of customers, then click Export.
When the export is completed, click Download, then close the pop-up. The CSV file is downloaded to your default Downloads folder.
Extract and open the CSV file and find the Email.InvoicePost column. Change the field value to "Off" for all customers you want to suspend posted invoice sending, then save the file.
In Stax Bill, repeat steps 1 and 2 to open the Bulk Imports pop-up on the Customers screen.
On the left, click Choose file, navigate to the CSV file you edited and click Open.
Click Upload file, then on the next screen, click Start Record Validation.
When Record Validation is complete, click Import Validated Records.
Repeat this process when you are ready to re-enable posted invoice sending by replacing "Off" with "On" in step 6.