If Bulk Import is turned on for your account, you can perform a bulk customer edit on up to 5000 customers. This can be helpful in certain situations (for example, temporarily turning off invoice sending for a subset of your customers).
The bulk editing process involves downloading a CSV file containing your existing customer data, editing the CSV file in Excel or another spreadsheet application, saving your changes, and importing the altered file back into Stax Bill.
Before beginning the process, it is important to note the following:
A maximum of 5000 customers can be edited per batch
Addresses must match the standard format for the customer's geographic location
Sales Tracking Codes entered in the CSV file must already exist for your account
Webhooks are not generated for records processed by a bulk job
Calls are not sent to 3rd Party tools (Salesforce / QuickBooks / NetSuite) for records processed by a bulk job,
To perform a bulk customer edit:
In Stax Bill, navigate to Jobs >Imports and click Create Import.
The Bulk Imports pop-up appears.
Under Import Type select Customer and under Import Action select Edit.
Click Next.
- On the checklist on the right, select the types of fields you wish to include in the downloaded CSV file, either for reference or to be edited. At least one type of field must be selected.
Include customer identification information to include fields that will help you identify your customers. This is highly recommended.
Include hierarchy columns to include information on the parent customer so that you can modify or remove the parent customer. To remove a parent customer, enter the word clear in the field. Note that hierarchy can not be broken in between generations or have more than 4 generations.
Include billing and shipping addresses to include fields that contain the billing and address information for your customers. You can modify the contents of these fields in the downloaded CSV file; however, be sure to use correct country and state/province names and Zip/postal code formats. If a Zip code begins with "0", be sure to format the column in the spreadsheet application for Zip codes in order to prevent unintentional truncation.
Include tracking information to includes fields that allow you to segment your customer base in Stax Bill reporting. You will need to ensure that any Sales Tracking Codes you enter have been properly set up in your Stax Bill Account.
Include email preferences to include fields containing email notification settings.
Once you have selected the types of fields to include, click Export starting data file.
Use the filter settings to select a subset of customers (must be less than 1000), then click Export.
When the export is completed, click Download to download the CSV file to your default Downloads folder. It is safe to close the pop-up.
Extract the CSV file and open it in Excel or another spreadsheet application.
Make your changes to the file and save it.
The second line of the CSV file provides details regarding acceptable values (for example, "255 char" or "On/Off/Default."
If you wish to delete an existing value, type the special string "clear." The bulk editor will ignore any fields edited to contain a blank value.
In Stax Bill, repeat steps 1 and 2 to re-open the Bulk Imports pop-up on the Customers page.
Click Choose File, then navigate to and select the CSV file you edited. Click Open.
Click Upload file. On the next screen, click Start Record Validation.
The data is validated for the proper structure. Field-by-field validation also occurs to identify any data errors, such as invalid field lengths for data types.
When record validation is complete, click Import Validated Records.
Check the settings for at least one of the affected customers to ensure that your changes are reflected in Stax Bill.
The following are the variables in the CVS. For the Payment details, there is an entry for the current, and the target is used to modify it. For example, NetTerms and TargetNetTerms. Add a value to the Target to make a change.
Customer Information |
Stax Bill ID |
Reference |
FirstName |
LastName |
CompanyName |
PrimaryEmail |
PrimaryPhone |
Payment Details |
NetTerms |
TargetNetTerms |
AutoPost |
TargetAutoPost |
AutoCollect |
TargetAutoCollect |
AutoCollectOptions |
TargetAutoCollectOptions |
Dunning |
TargetDunning |
PostReadyOnRenewal |
TargetPostReadyOnRenewal |
Billing and Shipping Addresses |
Contains billing and shipping addresses. |
Tracking Details |
CustomerReference.Reference1, 2, and 3 |
SalesTrackingCode1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
CustomerAcquisition.AdContent |
CustomerAcquisition.Campaign |
CustomerAcquisition.Keyword |
CustomerAcquisition.LandingPage |
CustomerAcquisition.Medium |
CustomerAcquisition.Source |
Email Preferences |
Email.InvoicePost |
Email.PaymentReceived |
Email.InvoiceOverdue |
Email.PaymentFailed |
Email.CustomerActivation |
Email.SubscriptionActivation |
Email.SubscriptionCancellation |
Email.CustomerCredentialCreate |
Email.CustomerCredentialPasswordReset |
Email.CustomerSuspend |
Email.PaymentMethodUpdate |
Email.CreditCardExpiry |
Email.StatementNotification |
Email.UpcomingBillingNotification |
Email.Refund |
Email.PendingExpiryRenewalNotice |
Email.DraftInvoice |
Email.CreditAddedtoAccount |
Email.CustomerQuoteEmail |