You can mark a previously purchased item as "Cancelled" so that it shows up properly in reporting. This operation is independent of whether or not you have reversed or refunded any charges associated with the purchase, though normally, you would do these actions before or during the cancellation process.
To cancel a historical purchase:
- Go to the Customer's Purchase History page.
- For any purchase in the status "Purchased," click the Details button.
- At the bottom of the Purchase screen, you will see the "Cancel Purchase" button. It offers 3 options similar to those offered for Subscriptions:
- Earn all charges
- Reverse unearned amounts of all charges
- Reverse all charges fully
- Choose which option you would like to use when cancelling the purchase. The choice will usually depend on whether or not you have already collected and/or recognized revenue for this one-time purchase. For example, if someone has purchased and then returned a physical good, you may have already recognized the full value of this item, and the customer has already paid you for it. In this case, you would probably want to reverse all charges fully so that the customer receives a "credit" for that purchased product, which you can then refund, or they can use towards a future purchase as desired.
- Earn all charges = Immediately earn any unearned portion of this purchase and do not reverse any charges (there will be no funds on deposit upon cancellation).
- Reverse unearned amounts of all charges = If this purchase has a custom earnings schedule, any unearned portion will be reversed and produce funds on deposit if they were previously collected).
- Reverse all charges fully = The entire value of the purchase will be reversed and will produce funds on deposit if they were previously collected.
- Once you have selected a line item, the cancellation will be processed immediately, and you will be returned to the Purchase History page. The purchase will now be in the status of "Cancelled."
Note: Remember that reversing the charges for the purchase does not automatically refund the payment if one has occurred. It simply places those funds on deposit in the customer's account. You must process the refund as a separate transaction (see How Do I Do A Refund?), or you can add a new purchase or subscription, which will automatically consume the funds on deposit if they are there.